Avoid Photography Expenses for Websites With Free Stock Images

When people set up a brand new blog or website, they know that photos and illustrations make the site more attractive and user-friendly. They can probably use some of their own photos, but they may not have a wide enough variety of subject matter. Having to take time out to snap some pictures, then crop and enhance the photos, may not be cost effective. A better solution involves using free stock photos that can be obtained online.

A high-quality stock photo website has an enormous array of pictures from which to choose. A web user will be delighted to find a large number of categories and thousands of topics. Now, photos can illustrate every blog post and every page of the website without the site owner having to pay for pictures or take new ones.

Sometimes, taking photos of certain subjects simply isn’t a quick option. For instance, the person may want pictures of plants and animals that aren’t native to the area or even to the country. A new idea for a post about winter weddings may come to mind, but there may be no photos of these events on the person’s computer.

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When a site has so many free images for download, a website owner won’t have to be too concerned that the same pictures he or she chooses will pop up all over the Internet. That’s a risk when a site has limited options, so it’s good to find a source of free photos with an abundant selection.

Does this seem too good to be true? Why would people offer use of their photos for free? With a source such as Freerange Stock, the photographers receive some revenue when users click on ads instead of payment for use of their photos. It’s a win-win situation for everyone concerned. The website itself obtains revenue, the photographers gain some income and the chance to see their work in various places on the Web, and the advertisers get some exposure as well. In addition, people who need free images have an entire library to browse through, and they know new ones are added all the time.

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